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My philosophy encompasses the belief that all children's hospitals should have a child life specialist. I believe that the role of a child life specialist is to provide support to the entire family unit. Hospitalized children experience immense anxiety. By incorporating my unique experience in trauma, I believe it makes me an excellent candidate as a child life specialist, especially in the ED and OR. Play can be used in preparation and diagnosis teaching to help normalize the hospital experience and reduce the stress of a child. Preparation before a procedure not only can reduce anxiety before the procedure but can, in turn, create a more positive experience post operatively for the patient and family. According to the AAP Statement on child life, “children’s anxiety in the perioperative environment is associated with impaired postoperative behavioral and clinical recovery.” When the child knows what to expect before, during, and after a procedure, it can help make it a more positive hospital experience and a better recovery.

Stuffed Animals
Philosophy: About
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